Apoptosis & Viability Assays
Biotium offers a wide selection of assay kits for cell viability and cell death for microplate reader, flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy. Products include:
The NucView® Caspase-3 Substrate comes in 3 colors, and measures caspase activity in real time, in live cells. MitoView™ 633 can measure the decrease in mitochondria membrane potential that occurs in early apoptosis. CF® Dye Annexin V conjugates come in many color options, and label PS on the membranes of late apoptotic cells. We also offer kits containing combinations of these probes. Live-or-Dye™ dead cell stains for flow or microscopy. Fluorescence- and absorbance-based microplate viability assays such as MTT, XTT, and resazurin. ATP-Glo™ Bioluminometric Cell Viability luciferase assay. ViaFluor® Cell Proliferation Kits.
Learn more about our wide selection of assays for cell proliferation, cell viability, and apoptosis.
Live-or-Dye NucFix™ Red Staining Kit
32010, - 32010-TView allHide
A red fluorescent dye to covalently label dead cells, allowing cells with permeable plasma membranes to be detected in flow cytometry and microscopy.
Live-or-Dye™ Fixable Viability Staining Kits
32016, 32017, 32018-T, 32002-T, 32014-T, 32003-T, 32009-T, 32004-T, 32012-T, 32015-T, 32005-T, 32007-T, 32006-T, 32013-T, 32008-T, 32011-T, 32018, 32002, 32014, 32003, 32009, 32004, 32012, 32005, 32006, 32015, 32007, 32013, 32008, - 32011View allHide
Kits to covalently label dead cells, allowing cells with permeable plasma membranes to be excluded from analysis in flow cytometry. A wide variety of dye options for standard flow, spectral flow, and fluorescence microscopy.
NucSpot® 470 Nuclear Stain
40083-T, - 40083View allHide
Cell membrane-impermeant, nuclear-specific green counterstain. Suitable for fixed cells or staining dead cells in live cultures.
NucSpot® Nuclear Stains
41040, 41040-T, 41033, 41033-T, 41036, 41036-T, 41037, 41037-T, 41034, 41034-T, 41035, 41035-T, 41038, - 41038-TView allHide
Cell membrane-impermeant, nuclear-specific counterstains. Suitable for fixed cells or staining dead cells in live cultures.
RedDot™2 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in DMSO
40061, 40061-1, - 40061-TView allHide
A far-red cell membrane-impermeant nuclear dye with greater nuclear specificity than Draq7™. Ideal for fixed cell nuclear counterstaining with minimal cytoplasmic RNA staining.
ViaFluor® SE Cell Proliferation Kits
30139, 30139-T, 30068-T, 30068, 30086-T, 30086, - 30050View allHide
Fixable cytoplasmic stains for monitoring cell division by flow cytometry. The dyes can also be used to track cell populations in co-culture.
Annexin V CF® Dye Conjugates, Azide-Free, Lyophilized
29085R-5ug, 29012R-5ug, 29009R-5ug, 29083R-5ug, 29005R-5ug, 29004R-5ug, 29010R-5ug, 29011R-5ug, 29008R-5ug, 29014R-5ug, 29003R-5ug, - 29069R-5ugView allHide
Preservative-free Annexin V conjugates are compatible with real-time staining of apoptotic cells for live cell imaging, fluorescence microscopy, or flow cytometry.
Annexin V Conjugates
29126, 29085, 29001, 29003, 29004, 29005, 29008, 29009, 29010, 29011, 29012, 29013, 29014, 29069, 29045-100uL, 29045-500uL, 29057-100uL, 29083, - 29057-500uLView allHide
Annexin V fluorescent conjugates can be used to detect apoptotic cells. Annexin V is available conjugated to a wide variety of dyes.
Annexin V Near IR CF® Dye Conjugates
29070, 29006, 29007, 29046, 29047, 29078, - 29082View allHide
Near-IR Annexin V fluorescent conjugates can be used to detect apoptotic cells and are suitable for in vivo imaging.
Apoptosis and Necrosis Quantitation Kit Plus
A convenient assay for quantifying apoptotic (green) and necrotic (red) cells within the same cell population by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.
Apoptotic, Necrotic and Healthy Cells Quantitation Kit Plus
A convenient assay for quantifying apoptotic (green), necrotic (red), and total (blue) cells within the same cell population by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.
CF®488A Annexin V and 7-AAD Apoptosis Kit
This kit contains CF®488A Annexin V to stain apoptotic cells, and 7-AAD to stain necrotic cells for flow cytometry.
CF®488A Annexin V and PI Apoptosis Kit
This kit contains CF®488A Annexin V to stain apoptotic cells green and propidium iodide (PI) to stain necrotic cells red for fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.
Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Substrate & Annexin V
30030, 30067, - 30073View allHide
These kits provides two apoptosis markers, our novel NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and Annexin V conjugate for detecting caspase-3 activation and phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation.
NucView® 488 & MitoView™ 633 Apoptosis Assay Kit
No wash, homogeneous assay for profiling apoptotic cells based on caspase-3 activity and changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential using fluorescence microscopy, real-time imaging, or flow cytometry.
NucView® 488 & RedDot™ 2 Apoptosis & Necrosis Kit
Homogeneous, no wash assay for detection of caspase-3/7 activity with green fluorescence and dead cell staining with far-red fluorescence, for fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry.