Peroxidase, Galactosidase, Phosphatase, & Other Substrates
See below for substrates for various enzymes such as peroxidases, phosphatases, β-galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, and others.
DAB Substrate Kit
DAB reacts with HRP in the presence of peroxide to yield an insoluble brown-colored product at locations where peroxidase-conjugated antibodies are bound to samples.
MTT Cell Viability Assay Kit
A simple, colorimetric assay for determining live cell numbers by absorbance on a microplate reader.
XTT Cell Viability Assay Kit
10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (Amplex® Red)
10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (Amplex® Red), is regarded as the best fluorogenic substrate for peroxidase and H2O2 because it is highly sensitive, specific and stable.
ABTS (2,2′ -Azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), diammonium salt) is a very sensitive chromogenic peroxidase substrate widely used for ELISA applications. The substrate yields a water-soluble green colored product.
A pink derivative of BCIP that produces a pink colored (λmax 540 nm) precipitate instead of the dark blue precipitate of BCIP. BCIP and derivatives are the most widely used chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins and are compatible with a variety of applications.
NBT and BCIP PINK are widely used together as a chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins in a variety of applications, such as immunohistochemistry, westerns, and in situ hybridization. This kit contains 100 mg each of BCIP Pink (10006) and the precipitation inducer NBT (10008).
A red derivative of BCIP that produces a red (λmax 565 nm) colored precipitate instead of the blue/violet precipitate of BCIP. BCIP and derivatives are the most widely used chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins and are compatible with a variety of applications.
A red derivative of BCIP that produces a red (λmax 565 nm) colored precipitate instead of the dark blue precipitate of BCIP. BCIP and derivatives are the most widely used chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins in a variety of applications.
10001, 10001-1, - 10001-2View allHide
A water soluble formulation of the most widely used chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins in a variety of applications, such as immunohistochemistry, westerns, and in situ hybridization.
BCIP, Toluidine
10002, 10002-1, - 10002-2View allHide
The most widely used chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins in a variety of applications, such as immunohistochemistry, westerns, and in situ hybridization. This form is soluble in DMF.
BCIP/NBT are widely used together as a chromogenic phosphatase substrate for the detection of alkaline phosphatase labeled proteins in a variety of applications, such as immunohistochemistry, westerns, and in situ hybridization. This kit contains 100 mg each of BCIP sodium salt (10001) and the oxidant NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium, 10008).
Chromogenic β-Galactosidase Substrate Sampler
For researchers wishing to investigate the suitability of our various chromogenic β-galactosidase substrates, we offer this sampler kit, which contains 5 mg each of the following five different substrates: X-Gal (10011), Red-β-D-Gal (10012), Rose-β-D-Gal (10013), Purple-β-D-Gal (10014) and Green-β-D-Gal (10015).
Chromogenic β-Glucuronidase Substrate Sampler
For researchers wishing to investigate the suitability of our various chromogenic β-glucuronidase substrates, we offer this sampler kit, which contains 5 mg each of the following three different substrates: X-GlcU, CHA, Red-β-D-GlcU, CHA, and Rose-β-D-GlcU, CHA.
Chromogenic Phosphatase Substrate Sampler
The sampler kit contains 10 mg each of BCIP Na (10001), BCIP Pink (10006), BCIP Red (10004) and 250 mg of NBT (10008). NBT forms a co-precipitant and enhances the BCIP reaction.
CTC (5-Cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride)
5-Cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) has been used to evaluate the respiratory activity of many bacterial populations as well as populations undergoing drug efficacy evaluations. Healthy cells respiring via the electron transport chain will absorb and reduce CTC into an insoluble, red fluorescent formazan product.